Poster Prints

Make your memories larger than life
with a high-quality poster print.

Do you have great action photos of yourself or your child playing sports? How about photos of your entire team at work? A great way to make those shots stand out is with a stunning full-size poster print. You can turn yourself, your family, and your friends and coworkers into genuine poster subjects!

We can help by taking your best photos and turning them into photos. With today’s high-resolution cameras, finding the right shot to turn into a poster is easier than you think. Depending on the quality of the camera and the skill of the photographer, some photos may even look better when they’re blown up to a larger size, since the details will be more visible.

Print Sizes & Prices

16x20 Print: $40
20x30 Print: $55
30x40 Print: $125
high-quality poster prints from Finishing Touch Photo in East Setauket NY

Order poster prints today!

If you want to turn your photos into beautiful poster prints, we would love to help.

You can order your poster prints online, or pay us a visit and we’ll be happy to walk you through our process.

Get started today so you can hang that poster up on the wall and show off!

Click the links below to learn more about our services:

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